Zhongyuan Cuisine

Zhongyuan(中原) cuisine, or Yu(豫) cuisine, is the cuisine of the central plains region of central China, mainly focused on Henan(河南) Province and including parts of surrounding provinces.

Zhengzhou(鄭州) and its surrounding area including Kaifeng(開封) is a cultural center of the region.

The Yellow River(黃河) is a major geographic feature.


Wheat is a major ingredient, often used for noodles as well as dumplings and buns.

Soybeans are used to make soy milk and tofu as well as tofu pudding(豆腐腦).

Chrysanthemum has an ancient history in the region.

Carp(鯉魚) is a popular fish. Yellow River giant carp(黃河大鯉魚) is a specialty variety in the region.


  • shao bing(燒餅): crispy bread, sometimes with sesame seed or spices
  • potsticker(鍋貼): pan-fried dumpling with meat, cabbage, scallion, or other filling
  • shui jian bao(水煎包): wheat flour bun with meat, chives, or other filling; the Zhongyuan variety is long instead of round
  • guan tang bao(灌湯包): steamed dumpling with juicy soup filling
  • cai mang(菜蟒): long wheat flour dumpling with filling
  • blood cake(血糕): buckwheat and pork blood cake
  • hui mian(燴麵): noodles in lamb or mixed meat broth with toppings such as tofu and vegetables
  • hu la tang(胡辣湯): thick soup seasoned with pepper, sometimes with noodles
  • red-braised Yellow River giant carp(紅燒黃河大鯉魚)
  • carp baked with noodles(鯉魚焙麵)
  • hu zhui(槲墜): a type of zong


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