Kadazan-Dusun Cuisine

Kadazan-Dusun cuisine is the cuisine of the Kadazan and Dusun people of northeastern Borneo, mainly in Sabah, Malaysia.


tuhau, related to ginger


lime?(asam limau)



bambangan, flesh and inner seed edible, grated/shaved seed as garnish

Pangi[keluak] is a certain type of fruit or seed used in Kadazan-Dusun cuisine. It is apparently poisonous when raw and must be preserved for use.

freshwater fish: featherback(bolida)[ikan belida], snakehead(jalak)[ikan haruan], swamp eel(lindung)[ikan belut],

ocean fish(sada daat): spanish mackerel(tongii)[ikan tenggiri] is a favorite fish; also chub mackerel(rumahan)[ikan kembung], mackerel tuna(bokulan)[ikan tongkol], yellowtail scad(kokoriton)[ikan selar]


  • linopot: rice (or grated yam?) wrapped in leaf
  • nasi kombos: rice cooked with coconut water and grated coconut
  • sambal tuhau
  • sambal asam limau?
  • sambal bakar: baked with sambal
  • sambal bambangan? = bambangan sada? = nonsoom bambangan?
  • nonsoom bambangan: pickled bambangan fruit and seed with salt and chili
  • pinasakan: fish stewed with sour fruit
  • hinava: spanish mackerel(hinava tongii) or other seafood marinated in sour juice
  • bosou: fish(bosou sada), jackfruit(bosou nangko), or vegetables preserved with rice and pangi
  • pinongian
  • linongot
  • sinalau
  • hinompuka
  • tapai: alcoholic drink made from rice
  • tumpung: fermented whole grain rice drink
  • bahar: coconut palm wine


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