Hakka Cuisine

Hakka cuisine is the food culture of the Hakka(客家) people, mainly in eastern Guangdong Province and southern Fujian Province of southeastern China

Hakka people are related to Han and Miao-Yao people; their origins are from northern and central China.

Hakka cuisine is related to and has been influenced by Cantonese, Min, and especially Gan cuisines. For example, three cup dishes are derived from Gan cuisine.




pickled vegetables(醃菜 and 醬菜): (梅菜) (菜埔) (福菜) (筍乾) (醬瓜)



  • bantiao(板條 ban tiau): noodle
  • (小炒): small stir-fried dish
  • three cup(三杯 sam bi): meat or other main ingredient cooled with equal parts soy sauce, rice wine, and oil
  • grass jelly(燒仙草 sao sien cau):
  • (茶果 ca guo): mochi from powdered sticky rice, sometimes with filling, sometimes colored
  • mochi(粢粑 zi ba):
  • pickled…(梅菜 moi coi):
  • (擂茶 lui ca): porridge
  • (盆菜 pun coi)
  • (湯圓 tong-ian): in savory soup
  • (梅菜控肉 or 梅乾控肉 or 梅菜扣肉): steamed pork with dried pickled greens
  • stuffed tofu(釀豆腐 ngiong teu fu): tofu with meat filling
  • (福菜肉片湯)
  • (菜埔雞湯)
  • (鹹菜鴨肉湯)
  • (灰水粽): sticky rice dumpling made with ash water
  • (艾粄): green sticky rice flour dumpling


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