Sushki(сушки) are small, crunchy bread rings from Russian cuisine. They are first boiled then baked until dry. Sushki stay good for a long time and are sometimes traditionally strung up on the wall to represent prosperity. Sushki are similar to baranki(баранки) but smaller and more dry. They are also related to bagels.

- 4 cup all-purpose wheat flour or bread wheat flour
- ½ – 1 tsp salt
- 1½ cup water
- poppy seed (optional)
- combine flour, salt, water
- knead
- rest 15 minutes
- shape into small rings
- boil until they float, stirring to keep from sticking
- remove from water
- dip in poppy seed (optional)
- bake(425°F) until crispy and lightly browned, about 20 minutes
- let cool
- serve