Pyeonsu(편수) is a traditional wheat flour dumpling made in central Korea. It is typically made with vegetables like aehobak in summer and wrapped in a square shape. Tofu, bean sprouts, mushroom, meat, ground sesame seeds, and even oyster can be added. Sometimes a few pine nuts can be added to each dumpling.
Pyeonsu is a famous dish in Kaesong(개성), a historic Korean capital city close to the southern border of North Korea. Kaesong is one of the first places in Korea where wheat was widely used for dumplings, so pyeonsu has a long tradition there, though today it is not as widespread as other varieties of dumplings.
Aehobak(애호박) is a Korean green summer squash. Although it is more closely related to pumpkins like calabaza and butternut squash, its appearance and usage are similar to zucchini, and zucchini is often used as a substitute.
Pyeonsu can be served freshly cooked or cold. It is typically served with a dipping sauce made from soy sauce and rice vinegar.

Dumpling Wrapper(만두피) Recipe
- 2 cup all-purpose wheat flour
- ½ tsp salt (optional)
- ¾ – 1 cup water
- combine flour, salt
- gradually mix in water until combined into dough
- let dough rest 5 minutes
- knead
- let dough rest 30 minutes
- divide into 1″ diameter balls
- coat with flour
- flatten each ball into 4″ disk
- use immediately for pyeonsu or store in refrigerator
Summer Squash Filling Recipe
- 2 aehobak(애호박), sliced and cut into thin strips [substitute zucchini]
- 1 tsp salt
- 4 fresh or rehydrated shiitake, chopped
- ½ cup soybean sprout (optional)
- 1 tsp sesame oil
- combine aehobak, salt
- let sit until softened, about 10 minutes
- rinse and drain
- mash tofu
- mix in aehobak, shiitake, bean sprout, sesame oil
- use or store
Basic Filling Recipe
- 2 cup extra firm tofu, well-drained
- 1 cup fresh or rehydrated shiitake, chopped
- 1 cup soybean sprout (optional)
- ½ tsp salt
- 1 tsp sesame oil
- mash tofu
- mix in shiitake, bean sprout, salt, sesame oil
- use or store
Pyeonsu(편수) Recipe
- 30 – 40 dumpling wrapper
- 4 cup filling
- add filling to wrapper
- bring 4 opposite sides or corners together around filling and press edges together tightly to close
- steam 5 to 20 minutes
- let cool
- serve
Vinegar Soy Sauce(초간장) Recipe
- 1 – 2 tbsp soy sauce
- 2 tbsp rice vinegar
- 2 tbsp water (optional)
- 1 tbsp piece ginger, minced (optional)
- 1 scallion, finely chopped (optional)
- 1 asian chive, finely chopped (optional)
- ½ tsp sesame oil (optional)
- 1 – 2 tsp sesame seed (optional)
- ½ tsp gochugaru (optional)
- combine all ingredients
- serve