Pindang tempoyak ikan patin is a Palembangese preserved durian curry with a variety of pangasius catfish.
Pindang is a type of curry from Palembangese or Palembang Malay cuisine. It can range from somewhat sour to more balanced with sour, sweet, spicy, and salty flavor. It often uses fish as the main ingredient.
Tempoyak is a Malay condiment made from salted durian pulp, typically fermented. It is used in curried and sauces and as a table condiment. Tempoyak can range from sweet to slightly salty to sour. If your tempoyak is not very sour, tamarind water can be added to balance the pindang flavor.
Patin is a type of pangasius fish or shark catfish closely related to basa or swai and less closely related to other types of catfish. It is native to the rivers of Sumatra. Various cuts including tail and head can be used for this recipe.
Pindang tempoyak ikan patin is usually served with rice and can be accompanied with extra tempoyak and sambal.

- 2 clove garlic(bawang puti)
- 8 red bird eye chili(cabe rawit merah) or red chili(cabe merah) or combination
- 1 tsp salt(garam)
- 1 tbsp piece fresh turmeric(kunyit)
- 1 tbsp piece galangal(lengkuas)
- 2 – 4 shallot(bawang merah)
- 1 stalk lemongrass(serai), smashed, and/or salam leaf(daun salam)
- 1 cup tempoyak
- 1 cup water(air)
- 1 tamarind water(asam jawa) (optional)
- 1 lb pangasius fish(ikan patin) or basa or swai or other catfish, cut into large pieces
- pound garlic, chili, salt, turmeric, galangal, shallot
- saute pounded spices, lemongrass
- add tempoyak, water, tamarind water
- bring to boil
- add fish
- simmer until cooked through
- serve