Kkakdugi(깍두기) is a kimchi of cubed radish from central Korea. It is simple to prepare and makes a convenient banchan(반찬), or side dish, to go along with a meal.

- 1 korean radish(무 mu) (about 2 lb), peeled and cubed(¾ inch cubes)
- 2 tbsp salt
- 2 clove garlic, minced
- 1 tsp piece ginger, minced (optional)
- 4 scallion, chopped
- 4 tbsp chili powder(고춧가루 gochugaru)
- 2 tbsp water (if dry—optional)
- toss radish, salt until well coated
- let sit 30 to 60 minutes
- rinse and drain
- combine garlic, ginger, scallion, chili powder, water, radish
- pack into jar
- let sit until bubbles appear at edges, 1 to 5 days
- serve or store in refrigerator