Guokui or guo kui(鍋盔) is a type of thick, leavened flatbread from northern China, especially Shaanxi(陝西) Province.
According to legend, guokui was first cooked by soldiers using their helmets as pans, thus the name guokui, meaning pot or pan helmet. Today guokui is generally cooked in pans. It is made from a basic leavened wheat flour dough. Bai ji mo(白吉饃) is a similar, usually smaller, type of bread also from the Shaanxi area of China.
Guokui can be served along with savory dishes or perhaps as a snack with honey.

- 2 cup all-purpose wheat flour
- 1 tsp yeast
- ½ tsp salt (optional)
- ¾ – 1 cup water
- combine flour, yeast
- gradually mix in water until combined into dough
- cover and let rise 30 to 60 minutes
- knead
- divide into 2 pieces
- roll each piece until round and flat but thick
- cook each piece until lightly browned on both sides
- let cool
- slice (optional)
- serve