This simple kimchi(막김치 mak gimchi) is a type of napa cabbage kimchi(배추김치 baechu gimchi) made with chopped cabbage rather than whole cabbage.
Making kimchi this way requires a little more preparation in the beginning, but the cabbage brines and ferments more quickly, and the finished kimchi is ready to eat and easy to use in other recipes.
Massage chopped cabbage leaves with salt and add water for brining, then let sit about an hour. Drain and rinse. Mix kimchi paste with cabbage, then pack into a jar or another container to ferment at room temperature. Alternatively, if you don’t want to ferment it you can eat it fresh.
Two or three days of fermentation will usually yield a mild to medium fermented flavor; however the amount of fermentation will vary depending on the climate and temperature. For a more sour kimchi, ferment longer. For a more mild kimchi, one day may be enough. Once it is fermented to your preference, it can be refrigerated. Kimchi may continue to ferment in the fridge, though very slowly.
Fish sauce or other fermented seafood is sometimes added. If you like seafood flavor, you can use it. Here it is omitted for a vegan variety, and salt or soy sauce is used instead.
Gochugaru(고춧가루) is Korean red chili powder. There are different varieties, but normally a coarse, mild variety works well for kimchi.

Main Ingredients
- 1 head napa cabbage(배추), chopped
- 1 cup salt
- 6-8 cup water
Paste Ingredients
- 2-4 clove garlic, minced
- 1 tsp ginger, minced
- 1 tsp salt or 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 1-2 tsp sugar (optional)
- 4-6 tbsp red chili powder(고춧가루), course
- 2 scallion, chopped (optional)
- 4-6 tbsp water
- massage cabbage, salt
- add water to cover
- soak 1 hour
- drain and rinse thoroughly
- mix garlic, ginger, salt, sugar, chili powder, scallion, water for paste
- combine cabbage, paste until well coated
- pack into container
- let sit 2-3 days
- serve