Swedish Cuisine

Swedish cuisine is the cuisine of the Swedish people, mainly living in Sweden. The Swedish people are a Scandinavian people who speak the Swedish language, related to Danish and Norwegian.

Stockholm is a Swedish cultural center.

Nyckelharpa is a traditional musical instrument from Sweden.


Rye and wheat are used for bread.


berries, lingonberry





  • porridge(gröt):
  • crispbread(knäckebröd):
  • smorgas(smörgås): open sandwich; bread with toppings
  • rotmos: mashed rutabaga and/or other roots
  • pickled cabbage
  • pickled herring
  • gravad lax: sliced, cured raw salmon, usually seasoned with dill
  • fish balls(fiskbullar)
  • meatballs(köttbullar)
  • lingonberry jam
  • rose hip soup
  • blueberry soup
  • pea soup(ärtsoppa)
  • meat soup(köttsoppa): meat soup, usually with potato or other root vegetable, sometimes with dough balls called klimp


  • Graved Salmon

    Graved Salmon

    Gravad lax, or gravlax, is a traditional Scandinavian dish of thinly sliced cured salmon. It is typically seasoned with dill. […]