Black bread(черный хлеб chyerny khlyeb) or rye bread(ржаной хлеб rzhanoy khlyeb) is traditional eastern European rye bread made with sourdough starter. It is a traditional food of Russian and Ukrainian cuisine.
In northern Russia, wheat is historically difficult to grow, so pure rye bread particularly common. Rye flour is traditionally used to make sourdough starter, to which it is well suited.
To make rye sourdough starter, mix rye flour and water and let sit. Feed the starter culture flour and water each day until activated. It should develop a mild sour fragrance and bubbles, and it should expand to double its size while resting. Keeping it in a warm place may help. Time can vary from a couple days to a week. If mold appears or if it smells strongly alcoholic or otherwise unusual, discard and restart. Once the starter is activated, it can be stored in the fridge for about a week at a time and reactivated by feeding the same way.
To make the bread, mix ingredients and knead. Let the dough rest and give plenty of time to rise. The dough may seem a bit sticky and moist, which is normal. Place it in a tin or otherwise shape for baking. It should almost double in size from rising. Baking times may vary depending on loaf shape, so use judgement.
Black bread stays good at room temperature up to a week and longer in the refrigerator or freezer.
Caraway, coriander, or various other seeds such as fennel can be added. The following recipe opts for simplicity with just rye sourdough starter, rye flour, water, and salt. A common variation from central Russia is Borodinsky bread(бородинский хлеб), which includes beet sugar molasses, coriander seeds, and caraway.
Black bread can be served with traditional toppings like salmon, caviar, or even sour cream.

Rye Sourdough Starter Recipe
- 2 – 4 tbsp (daily) rye flour (1 part by weight)
- 2 – 4 tbsp (daily) water (1 part by weight)
- combine flour, water for starter
- let sit 24 hours
- feed: combine 1 part starter from previous day with 1 part flour, 1 part water (discard extra starter from previous day)
- let sit 24 hours
- repeat: feed daily until mixture consistently doubles or triples in size while sitting and has a mild sour fragrance, several days (reduce sitting time to 12 hours if size increases quickly)
- use or store in refrigerator
Black Bread Recipe
makes 1 loaf
- ½ cup rye sourdough starter
- 4 cup rye flour (plus extra for optional dusting)
- 1 tsp salt (optional)
- 4 cup water
- combine starter, 2 cup rye flour, 2 cup water
- let sit, covered, 12 to 24 hours
- reserve ½ cup starter for another use (optional)
- mix in remaining 2 cup flour, salt, 2 cup water
- transfer to greased or lined bread pan or other baking form
- let dough rise until about doubled in size, up to 12 hours
- dust with rye flour (optional)
- bake(425°F) until cooked through and crust forms, 30 to 60 minutes
- let cool
- serve or store