Sichuan Cuisine

Sichuan cuisine is the cuisine of the Sichuan region of China, centered around the culinary city Chengdu.

As an ancient capital of China, Sichuan inherited influence from elsewhere China. The popular kung pao chicken is thought to have originated in northern China before the iconic Sichuan dish it is today.

Sichuan cuisine is closely related to Chongqing cuisine and many dishes and techniques are shared. Sichuan cuisine has ties to cuisines of other neighboring regions as well, such as Guizhou and Shaanxi and even the Himilayas.

Sichuan is famous for ma-la(麻辣) flavor. Food tends to be spicy, though sour and savory and salty are all important as well. A certain variety of spicy chili is typically dried and used for spicing dishes. The zesty numbing flavor from Sichuan peppercorns is a uniquely Sichuan and Chongqing trait popular in many Sichuan and Chongqing dishes.

The Sichuan region is known as the home of the giant panda.


As in much of southern China, rice is the staple food. It is typically steamed and served for a typical meal. Rice may also be made into rice cakes.

Soy(黃豆) contributes significantly to Sichuan cuisine. Soy milk(豆漿) is made and used for making various tofu. Tofu(豆腐) is traditionally made with gypsum powder(石膏), native to the region and produced from mines. This type of tofu is known as shi gao dou fu(石膏豆腐), soft tofu(嫩豆腐 / 軟豆腐), or southern tofu(南豆腐). It is generally smooth and soft. Tofu pudding(豆腐花 / 豆花) is also made.

Fermented bean paste(豆瓣醬) is used for seasoning many dishes.

Cowpea(短豆 / 豆角) and green bean(四季豆) appear often in modern Sichuan cooking. Cowpea was likely introduced first and green bean more recently.

Sichuan peppercorn(花椒) is the iconic spice of Sichuan cuisine, typically paired with spicy chili. Sichuan peppercorn is actually related to citrus and has a tingly zest that many call numbing. Erjingtiao(而荊條) is the prevalent variety of chili, of the same species as Thai bird eye chili.

Another spice is tsaoko seed(草果), from a pod similar to black cardamom.

Jatamansi(香草)[甘菘] is an herb found in southwestern China and the eastern Himilayas. Its root is used in Sichuan cuisine for flavoring hot pot and other broths.

Pickled greens(榨菜) are a common traditional element of Sichuan cuisine. Mustard greens are often used for pickling.

Fish are caught from the Yangtze River(長江) and its tributaries in the region. Grass carp(草魚) and northern snakehead(黑魚) are used.

Popular meats include pork, chicken, and sometimes rabbit.


  • steamed rice(米飯)
  • dandan noodles(擔擔麵): noodles in spicy sauce, usually with pickled vegetables
  • ye-er-ba(葉兒粑): rice cake with minced filling steamed in bamboo leaf
  • liang fen(涼粉): bean jelly salad
  • red oil wonton(紅油抄手): wonton in chili oil
  • tofu pudding(豆花): smooth, unpressed tofu sometimes topped with savory, sour, or ma-la seasoning
  • dry roasted green beans(乾扁四季豆): roasted green beans tossed with seasoning ingredients
  • hot and sour soup(酸辣湯)
  • mapo tofu(麻婆豆腐): silken tofu pieces cooked in savory sauce
  • shui-zhu fish(水煮魚): filleted fish cooked with boiling water, sometimes with vegetables added, typically seasoned with chili and sichuan peppercorn
  • yuxiang(魚香): meat or vegetables braised with sweet and sour sauce
  • kung pao chicken(宮保雞丁): chicken pieces cooked with chilies in a signature sauce
  • chili meat(辣子肉): spicy chicken, pork, snail, or other main ingredient stir-fried with chilies
  • lao-ma tu-tou(老媽兔頭): marinated rabbit head, usually ma-la flavor
  • mao-cai(冒菜): ma-la soup with various ingredients
  • chuan-chuan(串串): skewers with shared dipping broth
  • twice-cooked pork(回鍋肉): pork, usually pork belly, first simmered and then cut and stir-fried


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